Eko Support Services (ESS)
Eko Support Services (ESS) has made an application to the Oil and Gas free Zones authority for a free zone license and this has been recommended for approval with the completion of the redevelopment project.
Representatives from the OGFZA have since visited ESS base and were very pleased with the level of development and infrastructure on ground.
As a result of this Eko Support Services have received an approval from Mr. President to designate ESS Terminals I, II and III as an oil and gas free zone.
Subsequently, “Eko Support Services Oil & Gas Free Zone Tariff,Guidelines and Regulations 2015’’, was promulgated to regulate activities in the Zone.
Eko Support Services is a 100% wholly owned Nigerian Company created to develop an alternative logistics solution to the Oil and Gas Industry in Nigeria.
1. Shipping Agent gives Seven Days ( 7 days ) notice before arrival of ship.The under listed documents must be submitted.
2. The under listed documents must be submitted.
a. Manifest (Duly registered with Customs and allocated with rotation number) 3 Days prior to vessel berthing
b. Bill of Lading(copy of Original) Duly signed and stamp by the receiver and Agent
c. Parking List with Cargo measurement.
d. Stowage plan (Duly stamped and signed by the Master of the vessel)
e. Cargo / Container Arrival List
f. Ship Entry Notice (SEN) and N.P.A payment receipt.
g. Other information such as Expected Time of Arrival (ETA)
3. On receipt of information as in (2) above, a Quotation will be raised.
4. Operational meeting will be held at ESSL Terminal to discuss the handling of vessel including Stevedoring issues.
5. Shipping Agent must obtain sailing clearance certificate from NPA, NIMASA, and CUSTOMS before t