Requirements for Establishing a Free Zone
Step 1 Letter of Application by Developer/Promoter
Step 2 Submissions of the following Documents;
- Company Profile
- Memorandum and Articles of Association
- Board Resolution authorizing the Investment
- Organogram of the Company
- Nature of Business
- Passport photographs of the Directors of the Company
- Five-year Development Plan of the Company
- Copy of DPR Certificate
- Evidence of Source(s) of Funding
Step 3 Registration of the zone area to be accompanied by the submission of the following documents namely:
- Submission of the Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) title deeds of the land acquired for the intended zone
- Submission of detailed site plan showing the proposed layout of the activities clusters
- Environmental Impact Assessment to be conducted in consultation with the FZA
- Infrastructural Development Plan
- Five-year Development Plan of the zone with emphasis on Local Content Development
- Statement of disclosure of sources of funding of the Promoter/Developer
- Feasibility Study
- SCSR – To be registered with the authority
Step 4 Project impact analysis – Background integration content of the zone to the immediate host community and the country in general.