Registration Procedure


Requirements for Establishing a Free Zone

Step 1    Letter of Application by Developer/Promoter

Step 2    Submissions of the following Documents;

  1. Company Profile
  2. Memorandum and Articles of Association
  3. Board Resolution authorizing the Investment
  4. Organogram of the Company
  5. Nature of Business
  6. Passport photographs of the Directors of the Company
  7. Five-year Development Plan of the Company
  8. Copy of DPR Certificate
  9. Evidence of Source(s) of Funding

 Step 3   Registration of the zone area to be accompanied by the submission of the following documents namely:

  1. Submission of the Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) title deeds of the land acquired for the intended zone
  2. Submission of detailed site plan showing the proposed layout of the activities clusters
  3. Environmental Impact Assessment to be conducted in consultation with the FZA
  4. Infrastructural Development Plan
  5. Five-year Development Plan of the zone with emphasis on Local Content Development
  6. Statement of disclosure of sources of funding of the Promoter/Developer
  7. Feasibility Study
  8. SCSR – To be registered with the authority

Step 4   Project impact analysis – Background integration content of the zone to the immediate host community and the country in general.

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